ETHICS MEGATRENDS by Kirk Hanson Newsletter


ETHICS MEGATRENDS is a twice-monthly newsletter written by Kirk O. Hanson, Senior Lecturer Emeritus at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and former University Professor and Executive Director at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics of Santa Clara University.  ETHICS MEGATRENDS identifies key developments that will change how ethics is managed by business and other major institutions. It is designed to serve: corporate executives, including ethics and compliance officers; new graduates and recent recruits; business ethics faculty; policy-makers, investors, and others.

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In a departure from the series on the history of the responsible business movement, Kirk drafts an ethics agenda for the post-Trump era.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk continues his series on the history of the responsible business movement, focusing on the origins of supply chain responsibility.

Kirk returns to his series on the history of the responsible business movement with a focus on the milestones in the development of social investing and ESG.

This newsletter focuses on the legacy of President Carter and what he taught the public about how to be impactful through your actions.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter centers around how ethics can make a come back in the next four years—a challenge to both sides of the aisle.

This newsletter on the history of the responsible business movement, Kirk discusses the business responsiblity for technology’s impacts.

In a pause from the series on the history of the responsible business movement, Kirk highlights where America went wrong in protecting the 80%.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter installment focuses on the growing corporate involvement in politics raising ethical stakes.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk discusses how the concept of business ethics was a concern of businesses and faded rapidly.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on how DEI stemmed from equal employment.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter follows the evolution of the meaning of corporate social responsibility and how it’s changed.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk focuses on the topic of product responsibility and the consumer’s right to reliable and safe products.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter starts a series in which Kirk details a dozen ethical areas that will be focused on in his upcoming book.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS questions if conscience and community norms can make a comeback in America.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk details the ethics standards revised by the Supreme Court this year.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter presents two questions about religion-free ethics while highlighting current examples of religion and ethics being intertwined.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on the inevitability of ethics and how intrinsic ethics is to many aspects of business.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk discusses if divestment is an effective ethical action.

In this newsletter installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk begs the question, how can we shape the moral values of today’s youth?

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk discusses the epidemic of fear that is destroying American values.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on a future ethical dilemma centered around the usage of AI and what that may look like.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk asks if business behavior is getting better or worse and if current events set progress back or propel it.

This newsletter installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on the ethics of social media platforms and what the future looks like in terms of who is accountable for the repercussions of social media.

Kirk discusses climate and social reporting in the EU and the U.S. in this installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS installment, Kirk investigates how far back supply chain responsibility goes and how far forward it goes.

This newsletter focuses on the value behind voting this year and lists what may be deciding factors in who and what to vote for.

Kirk comments on the elite colleges that are under fire amidst ethical debates and the recipe for success in navigating these situations that colleges can take.

In the final ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter of 2023, Kirk predicts the big ethics challenge to tackle in 2024.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS details the lessons Kirk learned from Norman Lear and the legacy he left on honoring exemplary behavior in business.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on a wrap-up and update on the top ethics concerns of the year so far.

This installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter evaluates the ethical culture of a business partner.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk evaluates how companies speak out on social and political issues and shares some lessons he’s learned from the developments of the past year and a half.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on six possible stories to tell how we are redefining capitalism to help inform a history of the responsible business movement.

This installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter discusses moral progress and moral backsliding with examples of where we’ve seen each in recent history.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter installment focuses on the ethics chaos in college football.

This installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter series, Kirk identifies how to predict the next scandal with illustrative examples of how past scandals have developed and what has been learned from them.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter discusses who is to blame in an ethics mishap—the subordinate or their boss? Through multiple current examples and expectations of CEOs now, Kirk illustrates multiple aspects of the topic.

In this installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk asserts diversity programs are here to stay, and a follow up to his previous newsletter confirms American institutions are looking into their complicity in slavery and racial discrimination.

This ETHICS MEGTRENDS newsletter installment focuses on the topic of how reparations for Black Americans will be paid.

In this installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletters, Kirk presents six questions and concerns around thinking ethically about artificial intelligence.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter installment focuses on the importance of “good guys” and “bad guys” in business.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter installment, Kirk explores the implications of his greatest worry in ethics: the collapse of one of the pillars of ethics—a shared commitment to the “common good.”

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk constructs a guide on how to respond to politically-fueled attacks over “good” corporate behavior, citing current examples of companies that could improve their responses.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk discusses conflict of interest standards in light of the recent debate over the ethics of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He also shares input from readers of the previous newsletter.

Kirk poses the question: “Will the young save us?” in this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS. He highlights the importance of the younger generations in advocacy and accountability, and mentions a new article in which he is featured.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk comments on government purchasing power and its impact on making businesses behave better, as well as an update on the previous newsletter’s topic.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk poses the question, “How Can We Tell if Business is Behaving Better?” He also touches on updates on previous ethics trends in artificial intelligence as well as Google.

Kirk explores the limits of one’s “personal brand” and reinventing oneself in the context of ethics in addition to updates on previous topics in this installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk discusses how AI will impact the ethics world through nine predictions of what ethics stories will grace headlines in the next year as AI becomes a larger discussion item ethically.

Kirk discusses two topics that have been popular in the new year, how to address the epidemic of untruth and misinformation and how to control the ethical conundrums of Artificial Intelligence in this newsletter.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk studies Southwest Airlines and the corporation’s ability to make good business strategy a key part of good corporate ethical behavior, along with some predictions of what’s to come in the business ethics realm.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter discusses the concept of teaching businesses ethics and how corporations have attempted, unsuccessfully, to define their purpose and values when they remain focused on profitability and shareholder wellbeing.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on the collapse of FTX and Elon Musk’s handling of Twitter, in addition to Elizabeth Holmes’ sentencing and Pope Francis issuing ethical guidelines for the Catholic Church’s investments.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter discusses how Twitter is the next big thing in ethics, from employee layoffs (quantity and execution), misinformation and more, Kirk reflects on the ethics issues in Elon Musk’s takeover of the social media platform.

In this special ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk shares insights from three ethics-focused events he frequented over the prior week—on evidence of a revival of America’s ethical roots. The newsletter also introduces a new video of Kirk’s interview with Rana Faroohar.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter, Kirk sets an ethics agenda for the coming decade, outlining five tasks that society must come together to address in the upcoming 10 years in order to strengthen society and keep ethical discourse at the center of America.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS is focused on ethics of artificial intelligence and its potential impacts on certain groups. As an update to a previous megatrend, Kirk highlights companies that continue to fail to ask the ethics question.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk comments on the challenges of creating an ethical work culture in a largely remote working world. Between company values, decisions and human resources, many aspects of the corporate world has changed as work goes online, and Kirk highlights the ethics within those shifts.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS centers on the new language of ethics and the five ways of thinking that are entrenched in philosophy history but still apply to ethical discussions today. It also includes an update on environmental policies and ethics tests.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS is focused around questions boards should be asking CEO candidates in the current climate and the importance of expanding the scrutiny of leadership candidates. There is also an update on previous megatrends on corporations taking a political position and corporate responsibility.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk focuses on ESG and how it has different impacts on the political spectrum as well as updates on a previous megatrend of codes of conduct and how he outlined best practices in his book, ROTTEN.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter features commentary on if doing business ethically is too high of a standard to be achieved and an update concerning Black reparations and how the city of Los Angeles has recently integrated that practice.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on recent Supreme Court decisions surrounding abortion rights and prayer in public schools as well as how these decisions will catapult companies into balancing corporate ethics.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk deeply discusses reparations and where the movement to instate them is headed while also touching on previous megatrends likes special corporate ethics committees and ESG funds.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter details the need for corporate responsibility from oil companies and gun manufacturers in light of recent events, predicts a future megatrend, as well as revisits the conflict of interest in accounting.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on callbacks to previous megatrends, including the emergence of a new capitalism, corporate character through operating decisions and corporate political engagement being challenged.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS comments on Elon Musk purchasing Twitter, Bain & Company’s involvement in corrupt activity following McKinsey’s actions, Disney losing its special tax status and the math textbooks ban.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk comments on who’s to blame for the Chris Rock slap from Will Smith at the Academy Awards, express trains against global warming as a future megatrend and a follow-up on a previous megatrend involving McKinsey’s conflict of interests.

Kirk discusses cigarette sales and promotions at Walmart and beyond in terms of the ethical implications on the health of customers, as well as the trend in college professors’ career track status, in this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS.

This installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS focuses on corporations no longer taking political positions as human rights are incorporated into political matters, especially when it concerns war. Kirk also noted the union organizers at Starbucks who have argued the use of irregular and unpredictable work hours by Starbucks.

In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk expands on a previous megatrend he commented on in his first ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter. He made the prediction that companies would have to take sides on an increasing number of political and human rights questions, and he has since double downed on that claim.

Kirk comments on the struggle over free speech including teachers using improper language, Facebook’s Oversight Board and Alex Jones, Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist. Kirk also follows up on a previous megatrend of executives not paying for scandals.

In the second installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS in 2022, Kirk notes how companies struggle with paradox corporate purpose, and how they will for some time. He also comments on updates to a previous megatrend concerning Wells Fargo Bank.

Kirk discusses a duty to protect elderly customers from fraud and updates readers on a previous megatrend which was concerning mandating vaccinations of employees in certain businesses.

To close out an eventful 2021, Kirk reflects on a previous statement in this ETHICS MEGATRENDS installment, pondering that there may indeed be a “new capitalism.”

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on three recent megascandals Kirk has been montoring: the U.S.A. Gymnastics and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee lawsuit, the Boy Scouts of America fund and priest sexual abuse.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS installment, Kirk covers a topic that is not a megatrend and instead comments on ethics apps. He also returns to past megatrends and provides updates to them.

This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter focuses on MBA programs incorporating ethics and ESG courses, corporate political engagement and a recommended video that discusses Black CEOs and voting restrictions.

In another ETHICS MEGATRENDS installment, Kirk comments on when younger employees will demand change in career conflicts, the rising cost of misconduct and the relationship between corporate and employee responsibility to the common good.

In this ETHICS MEGATRENDS installment, Kirk covers the shaping of capitalism by unexpected forces and notes an update on previous megatrends in measurement of ESG accomplishment and the Theranos trial.

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This ETHICS MEGATRENDS features a piece on how businesses must consider and take responsibility for how their products impact their users as well as a follow-up to a previous megatrend focusing on diversity in the workplace and hiring process.

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In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk comments on Elizabeth Holmes’ trial, a new study on how social media channels like Instagram and Facebook impact teenage girls’ self confidence and presents two new videos.

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This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter includes Kirk’s prediction that ethical decision-makers will have to determine an acceptable level of fraud, an update on the previous megatrend of companies protecting their employees and a new video.

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In the tenth installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk details the rise of the ethically-articulate CEO, “anti-cheating czars” and toxic environments in the workplace from a previous newsletter.

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In this installment of the ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk comments on proof of a strong ethical culture and a follow-up on a previous megatrend on how employees need to be protected from abuse in the service industry.

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In this installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk details accounts of service workers and the need to protect them, as well as efforts by companies to assess the challenge of diversity in their organization.

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This ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter installment includes commentary on deceptive online and social media advertising with background dating back to 1914 as well as a megatrend to watch out for in Amazon’s behavior that is “crossing a line.”

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In the sixth installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS, Kirk discusses how corporations will be tested by “illiberalism” and the role of corporate compliance officers in ensuring companies maintain their diversity goals.

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Kirk Hanson’s fifth ETHICS MEGATRENDS newsletter features an analysis of the fight between long-term perspective and short-termism, a note on corporate responsibility during the pandemic and promotion of an interview with Anne Nelson.

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The fourth installment of ETHICS MEGATRENDS features a statement on environmental, social and governance performance standards versus corporate purpose, a new podcast segment Kirk was featured on, and post by Kirk for the Institute of Business Ethics in London.

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This newsletter features a segment on megatrends called “Corporate Advocacy on Ethical Questions is Here to Stay,” a trend to watch segment, “Tolerating Less Fraud,” and three new videos from various events that featured Kirk.

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The second installment of the new format of the newsletter includes a follow-up on the previous newsletter, a segment entitled “Tipping Point for Climate Change Audits & Action,” and two potential upcoming ethics megatrends.

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First newsletter under the new format focusing on ethics megatrends. Features introduction to format, two current ethics megatrends (conflicting pressures on ethical behavior in oppressive societies and escalation of cash settlements for sexual misconduct), and two potential upcoming ethics megatrends.

Features first installment of new series that identities the key challenges in good corporate behavior and what makes a good apple or good employee. Features a round-up of the best recent headlines about corporate conduct.

Features commentary the ethics of handling COVID in the workplace and two new blog posts entitled “Which Potential Partners or Customers Are Ethically Toxic?” and “Forgiving or Taking Advantage of Mistakes—the Citibank Case.”

Features commentary on vaccination scheduling, Kirk’s recent Institute of Business Ethics webinar and blog posts entitled “Boards Should Take a Lesson from Boeing” and “How Could McKinsey Have Strayed So Far From Its Values?

Features a mention of a talk Kirk gave entitled “Recovering Our Ethics After Trump,” a new video in which Kirk and Mark Epstein respond to questions they typically are asked on their new book, ROTTEN, and recent blog posts “Boeing Reports on Measures It Took to Head Off Future Misconduct—Is It Enough?” and “Exxon Mobil and Other Fossil Fuel Producers—Is It the End of the Road?”

Features a statement from Kirk on events at the Capitol on January 6, a featured video from 10 years ago, recent blogposts entitled “What Responsibility Does a Company Have for the Rogue Employee - The Bad Apple” and “Ethics Risks Companies Face in 2021” and a link to Kirk’s new book that was officially released in January.

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Features a message from Kirk addressing the most pervasive corporate ethics scandals of the year, a highlight of the multimedia content his website contains and an update on the official publication date of his new book. Blog posts included are “Corporate Responsibilities During a Pandemic” and “The Worst Corporate Misconduct of 2020.”


Features a focus on video series discussing topics in ROTTEN: Why Corporate Misconduct Continues and What to Do About It, an update on corporate purpose, “How Do You Control Online Cheating?” and “U.S. Companies Struggle with Slave Labor in Supply Chain.”

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Features focus on corporate ethics programs, an updated video discussing ROTTEN: Why Corporate Misconduct Continues and What to Do About It, “Census Guarantees Its Workers Will Cheat and Cut Corners” and “Corporate Values Do Differ: The Range of Responses to BLM.”

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Features a focus on a new video series by Kirk Hanson and Marc Epstein discussing their new book, ROTTEN: Why Corporate Misconduct Continues and What to Do About It, and the questions they receive most often on it, as well as most recent blog posts by Kirk.

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Features a focus on good behavior in business with an anecdote to display what three principles of virtuous behavior should motivate people in business. Also features “VW Completes its Culture Change. Really?,” California Mandates Diversity on Board,” and “Lessons from eBay’s Stalking Scandal.”

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Features introductory statement, “Why the Business Roundtable Will Not Save Us,” “Fake Reviews: When Do They Cross the Line? Who is Responsible?,” “Online Subscriptions that Trap You,” and “ESG Investing Under Attack by Trump Administration.”